The Presbyterian Church (USA) is holding its biennial general assembly in Detroit where they’ll consider a resolution to divest $17 million from three companies—Caterpillar, Motorola Solutions, and Hewlett-Packard—that participate in the Israeli occupation of Palestine.
Many groups that oppose pressure on the Israeli government to change its policies are demanding that the Presbyterians vote against the divestment resolution. That’s why they need to hear from supporters like you.
Making our “Presby Divest!” image your profile picture is an easy way to show your support for Presbyterian divestment. Here’s what you do:

- Right-click the image and select “Save Image As” to save file to your computer
- Go to Twitter
- Go to your profile
- Click the button “Edit Profile” on the right-hand side of the page
- Click on your current profile pic where it says “Change your profile picture”
- Click “Upload Photo”
- Select the image and press “Open”
- Click the “Save Changes” button on the right-hand side of the page
- Right-click the image and select “Save Image As” to save file to your computer
- Go to your Facebook profile
- Hover over your current profile picture and click “Update Profile Picture”
- Select “Upload Photo”
- Select the image and press “Open”
You can also sign our statement in support of Presbyterian divestment.